Dear Travel Diary,
It’s been a busy week. I had to write twice as many articles as normal, so I didn’t have time to do much else. Fortunately, I’d managed to get on top of things before I went to bed on Friday night, so I was able to spend the weekend doing what I wanted to do.
It was a nice day on Saturday, so I walked to the Nevada Shopping Centre. My shoes split near the sole earlier in the week, I wanted to go to Primark, and Google told me the Nevada Shopping centre was the place I needed to be.
It took me about 40 minutes to walk there, but the journey was worth it. The Nevada Shopping Centre has a lot of good shops and it’s not one of those places that are built like a rabbit warren. It’s very easy to explore without missing anything and the top floor has numerous places where it’s possible to go and eat, including Kentucky Fried Chicken. I was also surprised to find a cinema and an activity area for children that has similar attractions to those you would find at a fair.
One of the nicest things about the Nevada Shopping Centre is it’s scrupulously clean. Everything looks shiny and new. Even the toilets. When I visited the Almada Shopping Centre near Lisbon, a few weeks ago, the toilets really let the place down. I had to try several cubicles before I found one that didn’t have something ominous floating in the loo or splattered on the side of the bowl. The Nevada Shopping Centre is a whole different ballgame. Everything is first-rate and when I went outside and stood on the terrace near KFC the views of the mountains and surrounding area were incredible.
While I was looking for Primark, I found a Deichmann shoe store and ended up buying my new shoes from there instead. I wanted the black canvas type that has white plastic on the toes and look a little like baseball boots. Primark had them but only in grey or blue. At €7, the price was right, but the colour was not. Deichmann had exactly what I wanted and only cost around €3 more so that’s where I went. I’m a minimalist. I don’t own much, so when I buy something I don’t want to settle for second best.
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