My First Visit to the Nevada Shopping Centre

Dear Travel Diary

Dear Travel Diary,

It’s been a busy week. I had to write twice as many articles as normal, so I didn’t have time to do much else. Fortunately, I’d managed to get on top of things before I went to bed on Friday night, so I was able to spend the weekend doing what I wanted to do.

It was a nice day on Saturday, so I walked to the Nevada Shopping Centre. My shoes split near the sole earlier in the week, I wanted to go to Primark, and Google told me the Nevada Shopping centre was the place I needed to be.

It took me about 40 minutes to walk there, but the journey was worth it. The Nevada Shopping Centre has a lot of good shops and it’s not one of those places that are built like a rabbit warren. It’s very easy to explore without missing anything and the top floor has numerous places where it’s possible to go and eat, including Kentucky Fried Chicken. I was also surprised to find a cinema and an activity area for children that has similar attractions to those you would find at a fair.

One of the nicest things about the Nevada Shopping Centre is it’s scrupulously clean. Everything looks shiny and new. Even the toilets. When I visited the Almada Shopping Centre near Lisbon, a few weeks ago, the toilets really let the place down. I had to try several cubicles before I found one that didn’t have something ominous floating in the loo or splattered on the side of the bowl. The Nevada Shopping Centre is a whole different ballgame. Everything is first-rate and when I went outside and stood on the terrace near KFC the views of the mountains and surrounding area were incredible.

View from the Terrace of the Nevada Shopping Centre at Granada, Spain

While I was looking for Primark, I found a Deichmann shoe store and ended up buying my new shoes from there instead. I wanted the black canvas type that has white plastic on the toes and look a little like baseball boots. Primark had them but only in grey or blue. At €7, the price was right, but the colour was not. Deichmann had exactly what I wanted and only cost around €3 more so that’s where I went. I’m a minimalist. I don’t own much, so when I buy something I don’t want to settle for second best.

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