100 Montaditos (Nevada Shopping Centre, Granada, Spain)

100 Montaditos: Cheap Beer and Little Sandwiches Galore

European Food

When I first went to Seville, over two years ago, I noticed an establishment called 100 Montaditos. It sold beer, so I went inside and found I could buy a large beer for only €1.50. I was aware it was possible to buy food there as well but I never did. I’ve since learned that, although it’s a Spanish company 100 Montaditos also has around 90 restaurants in other countries of the world, including one in Belgium, five in the USA, and 12 in Portugal.

Earlier this year, when I was living in Portugal and went for a day-trip to Aveiro, I noticed there was 100 Montaditos, but never went inside. I found another one in Lisbon and pooped in for a beer and a sandwich after I’d plucked up the courage to take my first ever cable car ride. The cost for a beer was the same as I used to pay in Seville, so I can’t grumble about that. My little sandwich was cheap as well. It only cost me €1, but it was tiny. Worth the price, but not very big.

A few days later I was talking on Skype to my Spanish language partner in Seville and she explained the word “montadito” means small sandwich and the idea is that you order a few. That way you get to experience several different flavour combinations.

When I visited the Nevada Shopping Centre last week, I noticed a 100 Montaditos and, although I did have a beer I never ordered any food. I put that right earlier today. In fact, I walked there especially to do so and successfully managed to avoid the temptation of going to KFC instead. I love KFC, so it was close call.

100 Montaditos: Cheap Beer and Little Sandwiches Galore

I ordered one large beer, three small sandwiches, and a Caesar salad. The salad was the most expensive item because it cost €2, but it was a very generous portion and the lady who prepared it was non-too-stingy with the salad dressing. It’s was very tasty and the total cost of my meal was only €6.50. That’s cheaper than a KFC and, in all honesty, bearing it was probably a much healthier option.

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