Things to Know Before Visiting the Plaza de Toros in Mondéjar

Things to Know Before Visiting the Plaza de Toros in Mondéjar


The Plaza de Toros used to be the place to go to see a bullfight in Mondéjar. That was a long time ago. Today, the doors that permit entry to the Plaza de Toros remain locked for most of the year. The bull ring is only used during certain festivals and dìas de fiesta. Even then, fighting with bulls is not on the agenda. So if you want your visit to Spain to include a bullfight, Mondéjar is not the place to go.

I’ve walked past the Plaza de Toros many times since I’ve been here in Mondéjar, but have never had the opportunity to look inside. I asked one of the locals if there are ever any bullfights at the Plaza de Toros and he confirmed there are not. However, he did say there will be a bull running festival in the first week of September but I will no longer be in Mondéjar, so I won’t get to see the show.

Apparently, the bulls and the people running with them will go back and forth from the Plaza de Toros and the main square in the centre of the town several times a day.

The Plaza de Toros was constructed in 1915 using stones cannibalized from the Convento de San Antonio, which is only a short distance away. In its original state, the bull ring could hold 3,000 spectators and, with its nice, clean stone wall, it still looks good when viewed from outside. I can’t say what it looks like on the other side of the wall because I’ve never had the opportunity to take a look inside. However, from what I’ve read, the Plaza de Toros no longer has its original wooden bullfighting ring. It was used as firewood at the end of the Civil War (1939). The winning army burned it to cook their meals.

The local council produces a pamphlet called that encourages visitors to “Descubre Mondéjar” (Discover Mondéjar) and the Plaza de Toros is no. 3 on the list of things to see. However, the reality is, unless you arrive during a festival, you are unlikely to get the chance to take a look inside. All you will be able to do is take a leisurely stroll around the perimeter wall and admire the quality of the stone.

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