Cherry blossom at the side of the road on the approach to Romanby Village

Hoping to Enjoy Cherry Blossom on the Approach to Romanby

Cycling Dear Travel Diary

Recently, I thought back to all the times I travelled between Bedale and Northallerton. This was many years ago. In my late teens and early 20s, I often made the journey by car or motorbike. It’s an 8-mile trip but I also walked the distance more than once.

When I made the journey during Spring, I used to see lots of lovely cherry blossom on both sides of the road on the approach to Romanby. For some reason, I had the urge to experience this again so I incorporated the route between Morton-on-Swale and Romanby village into a 4-hour bicycle ride.

It was a nice, sunny day and the trees were still there, but they did not look nearly as stunning as I’d hoped. Had I made the trip a month earlier, it may have been a little different, but in May, I found many of the cherry blossom flowers were dying and turning brown.

If I’m still within commutable distance next year, I’ll cycle to Romanby in March or April, see how good the cherry blossom looks, and learn if my memory has been playing tricks with me.

Cherry Blossom

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