About the Travel Write Blog

Hi! I’m Steve Calvert. Welcome to my blog.Steve Calvert (Freelance Writer, Minimalist, Digital Nomad)

I’m a freelance writer and full-time traveller. People who live the way I do are also known as “digital nomads”.

It took me a while to arrange this type of lifestyle, but I got there in the end. I began this blog in July 2015. That was the month I left the UK for good and headed for Europe.

At the time I called the blog Gather No Moss. It seemed very appropriate because I’ve always been a rolling stone at heart. Later I realized there are lots of blogs with the same name, but I decided not to worry about it.

In April 2019, I changed the name of the blog to Travel Write. That’s a good fit as well. I like it and wish I had thought of it before.

Many Travel Write blog posts are about travel. But it’s not a typical travel blog because I’m not a typical traveller. Although I do visit tourist attractions from time to time, that’s not really my thing. I travel because I like to experience different cultures and learn what it’s like “live” in the countries I’m in. I want to learn the good points and the bad points too so I try and live like a local, avoid many touristy things, and never seek out expat communities.

Apart from being a digital nomad, I am also a minimalist. I used to own a house and an awful lot of possessions. Now I can fit nearly everything I own into a backpack. It’s great, I feel so much freer inside and it makes it very easy to travel.

Discovering minimalism is one of the things that helped change my life for the better so I occasionally write about the minimalist lifestyle. Learning how to be a digital nomad also helped make my dreams of travel come true so, once in a while, I write about what it’s like to be a digital nomad.

If I discover a useful travel tip or can share an experience that will make it easier for someone travelling to the same destination, I blog about that too.

Above all else, Travel Write is a personal blog, so there are no hard and fast rules. I once did an exercise designed to reduce all your hopes and ambitions down to a single word. For me, the word was “freedom”. I live my life on my own terms. If I want to blog about something I will. It doesn’t have to fall into the blog’s “overall theme”.

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