Ukraine Has the Cheapest Prepay Plans I've Ever Seen

Ukraine Has the Cheapest Prepay Plans I’ve Ever Seen


Ukraine must have the cheapest prepay plans in Europe. I am truly amazed at what a great deal you can get for just a few euros.

Everything in Ukraine is cheap. I’ve been here a few days and I know this. Actually, I knew it before I arrived. It’s one of the main reasons I came here, but I was still shocked to discover what a great deal I could get on a prepay plan.

I’ve done a lot of traveling this year and, until I arrived in Ukraine, I’d been able to use my Dutch mobile phone number no trouble at all.

In Portugal, Spain, Germany, the Czech Republic, and Romania, using my Dutch number was not a problem and there were no roaming charges to worry about.

However, as soon as I arrived in Ukraine, I found everything had changed. I was unable to access the internet, makes calls, or send text messages so I went to the local Vodafone store in Odessa, bought a Ukrainian prepay SIM.

It was so shockingly cheap I didn’t mind paying for the most expensive option. For a mere 115 UAH (€3.63), I got unlimited internet for an entire month, along with 150 minutes talk time to landlines and unlimited calls within the Vodafone Ukraine network.

I have no one to call in Ukraine, so none of that is much use to me, but if I need to get in touch with anyone elsewhere in the world I can use Skype or WhatsApp.

Seriously! Just €3.63 for an entire month! How cheap is that? The nice people at Vodafone Ukraine also gave me a free 3-month pass for Vodafone TV ad Vodafone Music.

For me, it’s just a throwaway number, but it’s still interesting to learn what a great deal you can get on data usage here.

If you are traveling to Ukraine and need to buy a temporary SIM to use for the duration of your stay, you read about the Vodafone plans available HERE.

The other networks will probably be equally as cheap, but I never checked. I always use Vodafone if I can.

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